
Efficient State Management with Persistent Memory (PhD Thesis)

Efficiently managing large state is a key challenge for data management systems. Traditionally, state is split into fast but volatile state in memory for processing and persistent but slow state on secondary storage for durability. Persistent memory (PMem), as a new technology in the storage hierarchy, blurs the lines between these states by offering both byte-addressability and low latency like DRAM as well persistence like secondary storage. These characteristics have the potential to cause a major performance shift in database systems. Driven by the potential impact that PMem has on data management systems, in this thesis we explore their use of PMem. We first evaluate the performance of real PMem hardware in the form of Intel Optane in a wide range of setups. To this end, we propose PerMA-Bench, a configurable benchmark framework that allows users to evaluate the performance of customizable database-related PMem access. Based on experimental results obtained with PerMA-Bench, we discuss findings and identify general and implementation-specific aspects that influence PMem performance and should be considered in future work to improve PMem-aware designs. We then propose Viper, a hybrid PMem-DRAM key-value store. Based on PMem-aware access patterns, we show how to leverage PMem and DRAM efficiently to design a key database component. Our evaluation shows that Viper outperforms existing key-value stores by 4–18x for inserts while offering full data persistence and achieving similar or better lookup performance. Next, we show which changes must be made to integrate PMem components into larger systems. By the example of stream processing engines, we highlight limitations of current designs and propose a prototype engine that overcomes these limitations. This allows our prototype to fully leverage PMem’s performance for its internal state management. Finally, in light of Optane’s discontinuation, we discuss how insights from PMem research can be transferred to future multi-tier memory setups by the example of Compute Express Link (CXL). Overall, we show that PMem offers high performance for state management, bridging the gap between fast but volatile DRAM and persistent but slow secondary storage. Although Optane was discontinued, new memory technologies are continuously emerging in various forms and we outline how novel designs for them can build on insights from existing PMem research.

Evaluating SIMD Compiler-Intrinsics for Database Systems

Modern query engines often use SIMD instructions to speed up query performance. As these instructions are heavily CPU-specific, developers must write multiple variants of the same code to support multiple target platforms such as AVX2, AVX512, and ARM NEON. This process leads to logical code duplication, which is cumbersome, hard to test, and hard to benchmark. In this paper, we make the case for writing less platform-specific SIMD code by leveraging the compiler’s own platform-independent SIMD vector abstraction. This allows developers to write a single code variant for all platforms as with a SIMD library, without the library’s redundant layers of abstraction. Clang and GCC implement the platforms’ SIMD intrinsics on top of their own abstraction, so code written in it is optimized for the underlying vector instructions by the compiler. We conduct four database operation microbenchmarks based on code in real systems on x86 and ARM and show that compiler-intrinsic variants achieve the same or even better performance than platform-intrinsics in most cases. In addition, we completely replace the SIMD library in the state-of-the-art query engine Velox with compiler-intrinsics. Our results show that query engines can achieve the same performance with platform-independent code while requiring significantly less SIMD code and fewer variants.

Analyzing Vectorized Hash Tables Across CPU Architectures

Data processing systems often leverage vector instructions to achieve higher performance.When applying vector instructions, an often overlooked data structure is the hash table, even though it is fundamental in data processing systems for operations such as indexing, aggregating, and joining. In this paper, we characterize and evaluate three fundamental vectorized hashing schemes, vectorized linear probing (VLP), vectorized fingerprinting (VFP), and bucket-based comparison (BBC). We implement these hashing schemes on the x86, ARM, and Power CPU architectures, as modern database systems must provide efficient implementations for multiple platforms due to the continuously increasing hardware heterogeneity. We present various implementation variants and platform-specific optimizations, which we evaluate for integer keys, string keys, large payloads, skewed distributions, and multiple threads. Our extensive evaluation and comparison to three scalar hashing schemes on four servers shows that BBC outperforms scalar linear probing by a factor of more than 2x, while also scaling well to high load factors. We find that vectorized hashing schemes come with caveats that need to be considered, such as the increased engineering overhead, differences between CPUs, and differences between vector ISAs, such as AVX and AVX-512, which impact performance. We conclude with key findings for vectorized hashing scheme implementations.

Darwin: Scale-In Stream Processing

Companies increasingly rely on stream processing engines (SPEs) to quickly analyze data and monitor infrastructure. These systems enable continuous querying of data at high rates. Current production-level systems, such as Apache Flink and Spark, rely on clusters of servers to scale out processing capacity. Yet, these scale-out systems are resource inefficient and cannot fully utilize the hardware. As a solution, hardware-optimized, single-server, scale-up SPEs were developed. To get the best performance, they neglect essential features for industry adoption, such as larger-than-memory state and recovery. This requires users to choose between high performance or system availability. While some streaming workloads can afford to lose or reprocess large amounts of data, others cannot, forcing them to accept lower performance. Users also face a large performance drop once their workloads slightly exceed a single server and force them to use scale-out SPEs. To acknowledge that real-world stream processing setups have drastically varying performance and availability requirements, we propose scale-in processing. Scale-in processing is a new paradigm that adapts to various application demands by achieving high hardware utilization on a wide range of single- and multi-node hardware setups, reducing overall infrastructure requirements. In contrast to scaling-up or -out, it focuses on fully utilizing the given hardware instead of demanding more or ever-larger servers. We present Darwin, our scale-in SPE prototype that tailors its execution towards arbitrary target environments through compiling stream processing queries while recoverable larger-than-memory state management. Early results show that Darwin achieves an order of magnitude speed-up over current scale-out systems and matches processing rates of scale-up systems.

Drop It In Like It's Hot: An Analysis of Persistent Memory as a Drop-in Replacement for NVMe SSDs

Solid-state drives (SSDs) have improved database system performance significantly due to the higher bandwidth that they provide over traditional hard disk drives. Persistent memory (PMem) is a new storage technology that offers DRAM-like speed at SSD-like capacity. Due to its byte-addressability, research has mainly treated PMem as a replacement of, or an addition to DRAM, e.g., by proposing highly-optimized, DRAM-PMem-hybrid data structures and system designs. However, PMem can also be used via a regular file system interface and standard Linux I/O operations. In this paper, we analyze PMem as a drop-in replacement for Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) SSDs and evaluate possible performance gains while requiring no or only minor changes to existing applications. This drop-in approach speeds-up database systems like Postgres, without requiring any code changes. We systematically evaluate PMem and NVMe SSDs in three database microbenchmarks and the widely used TPC-H benchmark on Postgres. Our experiments show that PMem outperforms a RAID of four NVMe SSDs in read-intensive OLAP workloads by up to 4x without any modifications while achieving similar performance in write-intensive workloads. Finally, we give four practical insights to aid decision-making on when to use PMem as an SSD drop-in replacement and how to optimize for it.